The First Post Is The Deepest


I love all things financial.

Stocks, peer-to-peer finance, regular saver accounts, good value credit cards, getting a great deal… But as they say, you don’t really know a subject until you start writing about it.

I also like planning and being organised about financial stuff, running the house or weekends away. Mrs. Plannister might disagree on occasion but I like to think most of the time I’m fairly on the ball!

So this blog is going to be a collection of ideas I’ve found (if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it) and some ideas of my own that should make it easier to save more and to earn more without too much effort. Reducing the effort is where the planning and organisation comes in – whether it saves me time or money, I don’t mind. The goal for me is announcing my own Debt Free Day™.

I’m a big fan of financial blogs – how to become financially independent or just stop wasting money on things that don’t matter. This is my own contribution where I hope you’ll find something that helps you.